
Thoughts and insights from author Jennifer Kennedy Dean

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the freedom of obedience

Here is something I wrote during my late husband's illness. Today's events in my life have reminded me that when I think I am being restricted, I am really being protected. Blessings, friends.

The Freedom of Obedience
Today as I sat beside Wayne's hospital bed, I watched a parable in action.Wayne is being fed and medicated by IV right now. Lots of tubes acting as the conduit through which life and healing flow. Wayne is very restless. He keeps moving his arm in such a way that the IV lines get tangled and the healing flow can't get to him. When he starts moving his arm too much, we have to take his hand and gently hold it down so he won't get the lines tangled. It frustrates him. He feels we are restricting his freedom. He is missing the context. All he knows is he wants his hand to move and we want it to be still. He can't see that what he thinks is restriction is really freedom-- freedom to receive the flow that sustains his life.

Like Wayne, we often chafe at God's call to obedience, thinking it restricts us. Our view is narrow. We can't see that His loving hand on ours is freedom. It keeps us in the place where His power and provision flow. It keeps us from moving out of the flow of His Life.

This morning when I got to Wayne's room, they had tied that restless hand to the bed with just enough give that he had freedom, but not license. In other words, he could move his hand, but only within the confines of that which was safe for him. It was a comfortable, soft little cuff around his wrist, but it surprised me and hurt me when I saw it. I thought, how much better when the discipline comes from a loving hand. How much better when that "restriction" is accompanied with a loving touch and gentle words instead of in a impersonal "law" that has no heart.

See how much God loves us? His guidance comes to us from His loving hand, accompanied by His gentle voice, until we learn by experience that His commands set us free."I will run in the path of your commands,for you have set my heart free" (Ps 119:32).


Blogger Karen Rabbitt said...

What a wonderful illustration of how God's boundaries are designed for our best life.
And especially the bit at the end about how discipline is given--with love rather than law.
So sorry for the price of the image--your husband's and your suffering. Blessings to you.
I'm coming to the CBE Author Picnic. I'll look forward to meeting you.
Karen Rabbitt

March 15, 2009 at 4:50 AM  
Blogger Jak said...

That is a wonderful illustration it brings to my mind Paul's comment about being a "prisoner of righteousness". We as believers are also captives of Jesus Christ as He paid the price for our Redemption so we have become prisoners and slaves to righteousness. I know this is out of context but that's how I think about something in me which is the indwelling Holy Ghost, will only allow me to go so far like the restraint on your husband's arm. Oh I have been guilty of indulging in many sins and unrighteous acts in my walk with the Lord but I know He has kept me in His care the whole time and only allowed me to go so far in my rebellion. And that to me is a comforting thought. I no longer desire the things that led me astray and I find myself more and more desiring to be closer to Him for He is my Life and My Salvation.
Some say the Rapture will be today, I hope they are right, it's my birthday today and that would be the best birthday present ever! Even so Come Lord Jesus!

May 21, 2011 at 3:18 AM  

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